12 June

American Royalty: The Bishop Maginn Final Prom Court. This Is The Real America, Our Answer To The People Who Hate

by Jon Katz

I wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry at the Bishop Maginn Final prom last night. It was beautiful, and I was so glad I went. This is the last chapter for Bishop Maginn, and that is sad, the last prom ever to be held there.

Sue Silverstein, the faculty, and the refugee children have been working day and night to make the night joyous and meaningful, and they succeeded and then some. The mood was a pure celebration, gratitude, and hope. The students had a wonderful time; they were able to produce and host and attend their prom and made it a celebration of freedom and love.

It was a matter of honor and selfishness for me to go; it mattered to them and me. I had lots of hugs, kisses, and thanks. It was so worth it all around. Maria felt the same way.

All that remains for Bishop Maginn is state testing for seniors and then graduation at the Albany Cathedral. That’s it for Bishop Maginn, on to Bishop Gibbon in Schenectady. Bishop Maginn is done, but the show goes on.

We will all reunite there. Me, Sue, Maria, Zinnia, and the kids. We are very excited to do it all again, only better.

My body reminded me that I am healing, but not yet well, so I’m taking my time organizing the photos I took; I will put them up later today for sure. I just need some resting.

(Once again, I need to pause all the good people we call the Army Of Good. You did some fine good last night, we are all grateful. This could never have happened without you. Thank you.)

Maria and I are also celebrating our 12th Wednesday anniversary, and we plan to go out for a lobster roll lunch at a fish stand in Bennington, Vt. A quiet and somehow appropriate celebration.

I have to upload and sort through some photos, and that will be pure joy for me. It was a night to remember, and I took some pictures I love.

Watching the Prom King And Queen and their court gather at Bishop Maginn for the last time, I thought this was a photograph of American royalty, not the British or any other kind. This is America’s response to the white nationalists who would turn us to hate people like them and us.

Sue Silverstein took this photograph, and it said it all. This is the promise and the reality of America. There is no going back. That’s what the prom was all about, and I am so glad I went.

The photos I took are all about joy and promise. I’m proud of them.


  1. My heart spilled over with joy as I read your post and took in that amazing photo of American Royalty.

  2. I’m so very glad you, Maria and Zinnia made it to celebrate these kids, and the future. How revitalizing. Rest easy today, Jon.

  3. breathtaking royals. thank you for making sure it happened for them! all of them are stunning and I am sure the rest of the prom attendees were also. CONGRATULATIONS AND WELL DONE!

  4. re “our answer to people who hate” — not to swerve too far off the main issue here — but as I watched the hearing the other evening, I recall the few days after January 6 2021 and the rioters being interviewed by journalists, and decided from the way they talked they were all (the ones who were interviewed) the lunatic fringe. These people could not do well anywhere, they would be angry in any circumstances. THEN, omg it turns out there are huge groups of them. Of various group titles, Proud, blah and blahblah… How can a society have so many lunatic fringe? What happened they p*ssed them off so much: was it early childhood experience, too much money, not enough money, not enough parental care, poor schools, experience in too many wars,.. too many middle class snobs (never mind the “elites” who ignore the working class and poor, … ? Of course Biden is right that some of it is lack of opportunity which he’s trying to right a bit with the infrastructure jobs… coming on line … but what is happening here. And how can we make it better?

    Even if Trump goes to the slammer, which I’m actually thinking he might now — all those henchmen trying to get their pardons lined up — I think this article is the best I’ve seen. https://news.berkeley.edu/2020/12/07/despite-drift-toward-authoritarianism-trump-voters-stay-loyal-why/

    I do not want he dream of America to die. And these Bishop Maginn and like youngsters is hope to keep America alive… but maybe not enough.

  5. Happy Anniversary to you both! Your lobster looks delicious. So glad your on the mend Jon. The prom pictures are outstanding. The girls’ look beautiful and the boys handsome. Love all the colors Joan

  6. Happy you’re recovering!
    Happy you, Maria, and Zinnia “PROMED”!
    Happy you picture-took! American Royalty!
    Happy you’re continuing your physical
    and spiritual quests!
    Happy your 12 year marriage is loving!
    And very grateful that Maura B shared her
    strong opinions and sent us on to a place where we can read more information.
    Thank you!!!
    BTW: Me thinks, you’re venomous Spider Bite
    sick. Happened to me once. I had the
    same systems. Extremely painful.
    But fortunately, I didn’t fall down my
    Listen to Maria’s good sense. Stay well.
    We all need you!!!

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