22 June

My New Prim Rose Garden Bed: Bought, Picked It Up, Holes Drilled, Soil, Rocks And Twigs Planted. Whew

by Jon Katz

Well, my plan for a Prim Rose garden bed came to fruition in one day, and I will sleep well tonight. My Amish friends made me a smaller garden bed; they charged a very reasonable $75; I went to pick it up today and got it into the rear of my hardy SUV.

I placed it to the left of the memorial garden bed, went out to the pasture, got a massive bucket of rocks, and then cut up some twigs above the stones to put on the bottom for air and drainage.

I shocked Maria by getting out the drill and boring eight holes in the bottom for drainage. I poured two heavy bags of garden bed soil into the bed.

Then I took out my two bags of Prim Rose seeds and planted them in three long rows – two different kinds – and then gently watered the bed.

I can’t wait to see them grow (maybe I should read the packets to see how long it will take. I have patience issues. I like my garden bed complex, I think I’m slowly and steadily learning to be a real gardener.


  1. Those plants from last week I thought might be basil, might be zinnias. Yesterday I was looking at newly planted flower boxes downtown and I came to that conclusion.

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