20 July

Photo Journal. A Special Report, July 20, 2022. A Heat Wave Told By Seven Flowers. Come And See

by Jon Katz

Flowers tell stories. I’m learning to listen. My cameras are the journalists; they get the story.

We are now in the glare of the brutal heat wave gripping much of the U.S. and Western Europe. I’ve rarely seen the ground so dry. The animals suffer in this heat, and so do we, and I’m curious to know how the climate change deniers and fossil fuel people talk this away.

When I first moved here, we started wearing sweaters in August. No more.

The country practically invented modern science is not pretending it doesn’t exist.

This has been an important week for me.

First, we got the Mansion Men’s Group going.

Secondly, the Bishop Gibbons Amazon Wish List sold out overnight. Thank you, thank you, an excellent introduction for the Army Of Good as it heads to its new refugee location, Bishop Gibbons High School.

I decided to offer something beautiful and enchanting today to tell the heat wave story.

I did this by getting up early when the sun came up and creeping around my flowers as the sun rose and lit them up. I was naked for a while, then rushed to get dressed.

The light was too precious to miss, and the flowers told the story much better than I could.

Come and see. The lilies, begonias, and gladiolas all took part with assistance from a dying but gorgeous poppy.

Maria and I are going to Bishop Gibbons tomorrow to deliver vegetable plants for their garden and for me to talk with and interview Trish White, the school’s very dedicated English teacher. More hot weather for the foreseeable future, triple digits for the weekend.

My heart goes out to the sheep and donkeys, they have shade and water, and there isn’t much more we can do.

The dogs get to go out briefly in the morning, early afternoon, and then when it gets dark. I don’t get to be in the sun except when I creep out early with my cameras. I chose the images that spoke to me of heat, light, nature, and sexuality.


These photos were taken with my Leica 2 and an Iphone 13 Pro Max. My lessons have paid off. I do have to work hard and move forward to do what I am capable of.



The lilies were the first flowers to reflect the powerful morning sun, which rose right behind them. I was there waiting. I’m spraying them several times a day, and so far, there is no water shortage here. We have a point well in the house, and it goes deep.

I’m one of those people who is not supposed to go outside in this heat. I mostly agree, and I mostly abide. I ran to a farmer’s market to make dinner for Maria and me when she got home: fresh corn, tomato, mozzarella cheese, and new blueberries.


Flowers are beautiful even when they die; this poppy is fading but gets more beautiful. Yesterday, it was all red. I wish I could get as beautiful before I die.


I love the elegant begonias; they seem like royalty to me and are dignified and noble. And they have so much character. I see this flower as a Queen.


The lily gets the last word; I felt like I had fallen into another world. This is the best and most beautiful way I could imagine to capture the feeling and power of the heat wave, as my flowers tell me.

The lily strikes me as especially sexual.

Thanks to the Leica 2 and the Iphone 13 Pro Max, which had shined for me. I’ll keep taking these photos as long as they blossom.

We’ll be off early tomorrow for Bishop Gibbons; if I can, I’ll get some flower shots early. I know some people look for them. I love to take them; a daily miracle for me.



  1. Why do you constantly tell us that you’re naked? Do you think that makes you interesting? It doesn’t. It’s no more interesting than if you reported being outside in a yellow shirt. You’re apparently obsessed with the marvels of your daring and exhibitionism, but the rest of us are bored by it and embarrassed for you.

    1. Rita, good morning to you. If I repel, bore, and embarrass you, here’s an idea for you. Run away, and quickly.

      If someone is forcing you to look at my blog, or if you can’t help yourself from thinking about my body, call for help at once or send out an SOS signal. Or maybe put a sheet over your face and have a friend read the blog? How about a refund? …Oops, the blog is free.)

      I’m not used to driving women wild with my body. I love running naked in the sunlight to take a picture or two and enjoy sharing the experience. It’s very liberating, especially at my age. I recommend it to you; you sound a bit grim.

      Otherwise, thanks for your warm and gracious note, jon.

      P.S. I love this as a blurb for the blog..” HELP!Jon Katz repels, bores, and embarrasses me (“all of us”) every day. I can’t stop reading him.”

  2. Jon, typically I am not drawn to flower photos. However, these photos are absolutely stunning (as well as the other ones you have been posting). Such joy for my soul. Thank you.

  3. Jon, thanks for sharing the reports from your journalist flowers. “A picture shows at least a thousand words.”

  4. Dressed or not, I just want a beautiful coffee table book of the spectacular florals. Love the amazing colors.

    1. They don’t publish books like that anymore, alas. My blog is my book now. But thanks for the kind thought.

  5. I wish I had the guts to run around my yard naked but the neighbors would probably complain and then there are those pesky mosquitos … Jon, you gave me my laugh for the day. You have my permission to photograph in the buff and please inform us when you do! ?

    1. LOL, Barbara, I’m not sure the world is ready for that. Nobody sees my but Maria and the dogs; I can’t help it when the sun hits the flowers, I have little time. But it does feel good. I wouldn’t inflict a picture on anyone, even though Maria insists I’m cute. I don’t believe her.

  6. Hi, I never laughed so hard. Reading Jon’s response to Rita note. I am still laughing. Good way to start my day.

    1. Thank you, I am learning that humor is often the best response to anger…and I love writing humor. (she sure doesn’t sound bored, but then, she hasn’ actually seen me naked. She’d probably have a stroke 🙂

  7. Every time you say you photograph naked I picture you throwing your clothes off to run outside. The real story is that you probably sleep in the buff. Unimaginable to me who would freeze but certainly less restrictive.

    1. In the winter I have a flannel nightshirt, and going outside is painful but productive…I hate to think what she’s do if I had a photo taken..if she’s offended now, she’d end up in the emergency room..

  8. I bought myself a begonia yesterday based on your photos of this gorgeous flower. Hoping it won’t mind being confined to an apartment. (I have a plant-laden south-facing window.). fingers crossed.

  9. Flowers are, in fact, all about sex! They contain the sexual organs of the plant and their job is to attract pollinators that will carry the flower equivalent of sperm to the flower equivalent of eggs in order to make new baby plants. We are the ones that get to admire all that sexual activity without being involved in the process. Anybody who is offended by Jon talking about taking pictures in the nude should be even more offended by the flowers!! All that sex out in the open!! Wow! I think the pictures are absolutely gorgeous!! I also think that human bodies are pretty gorgeous in their infinite variety.

  10. OMG! Firstly, I love your flower photos! They are ethereal and remind me of a dream state. Secondly, you ARE getting more beautiful as you die, Jon! With each and every photo, lesson, act of service – yes, you are!!

  11. What did you learn in your photography class
    Just technical stuff? Fstops and xyz?

    I think some of your recent photos are better than O’Keefe’s.

    It’s easy to be condemned to a “dementia’ diagnosis especially if you are seen outside in your birthday suit. Cuckoo’s nest is a lot closer for seniors than one thonks

    1. Well, you can get dementia and still take good photos, I hope I might find out soon.. I did some technical stuff but also some theory, lots about exposure and settings and aperture…

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