25 September

Photo Journal: Cloudy Day, Sunday, September 25, 2022: A Quiet Day. Cloudly And Wet. Zoom Link, Reading, Talking, Soaking Up Some Silence

by Jon Katz

It was something of a gloomy day on the outside but a beautiful day on the inside.

We went to breakfast, then to the Farmer’s market to buy some goat cheese, soap, a salad for Maria, and something new, a Ceasar salad wrap, which I loved.

When we got home, I went outside in the rain to see if I could take some colorful flower pictures on a rainy and dank day. That is the Photo Journal here.

I walked with Zinnia in between the rain and threw the ball for her.

For dinner, Butternut Squash soup, which Maria made, she’s into soul lately – Lentil, Borsht (Beet),  Tomato and Butternut Squash. I help with the blending and stirring and dishes.



My new favorite snack is chopped cold vegetables and crispy Kale. The vegetables are changing my body; I can feel it.

At the Farmer’s Market, I ran in Yaakov, my new young Jewish friend, who had invited me to a Rosh Hashanah service in Vermont.

I’m not sure I’ve ever been to a Rosh Hashanah service; if so, I can’t recall it.

I wouldn’t have known this was the beginning of the Jewish holiest holidays if Jaakov hadn’t told me. I’m debating whether or not to go; the service is informal, but a rabbi is running it.

I’m interested in talking bout Judaism with some Jews, which is not easy to do up here, but the idea of going to service blocks me, as it always has.


I’m not ready for that, I think. I’m interested in talking with some Jews about the religion itself, but the idea of a ritualized service, however modern, gives me pause.

I’ll talk with  Yaakov tonight on the phone, and the truth of it, I would much rather go to a Quaker Meeting than a high holy day service. But I’ll keep an open mind until we talk.

I’m reading a new mystery today and liking it., blogging, taking photos, and talking to Maria.


Join my next Zoom Meeting Wednesday, September 28, at 10 a.m. “Talk with me.”

Meeting members can sign up any time; people will be admitted at 9:50, and the meeting will be locked just after 10 a.m.

Five to seven people will be admitted. Talks are confidential; no video will be taken or shared. This is a safe zone for people who wish to talk and listen, not fight. I’m hoping for a new kind of community.

The meeting link is below. ID and passcode are provided below if needed.


Meeting ID: 878 2286 2552
Passcode: 712821


I treasure weekend days like this, peaceful and grounding.

Maria and I love talking to one another and being with one another. It never gets tiresome.

Our social life is suddenly ramping up, perhaps because the pandemic is quieting. Perhaps because we are ready.

We visit friends and have them over almost every weekend, which hasn’t happened in some years.

Maria has been working closely with me to come to terms with my lifelong fears about money. She has learned so much; I trust her so much it is working. I want to write about it when I’m further along.

I’m very grateful to her. In my life, I’ve always been afraid of the wrong things and fearless about the things I should be afraid of. I’m working on more balance and perspective.

I think it’s because so many people like Maria, but Maria says I am opening up to people and becoming less wary. I think she’s right, and it feels good. I like talking to people and listening to their stories.



This week is quieter than the last few. I’m doing a meditation class at the Mansion on Tuesday. No doctor’s appointments for weeks and weeks. I’m doing well.


On the day most people call Columbus Day, my daughter and granddaughter are coming up to Cambridge for a weekend, the first time I’ve seen either for several years (except for a meeting at the Bronx Zoo.)

I’m looking forward to it. Thanks for sharing my flower pictures and saying too many nice things about them. I’ll keep posting flower pictures throughout the winter.

I’m also thinking about how to make my winter photography beautiful and evocative. That is a challenge. I love the idea of the winter pasture and will bring some of the things I’ve learned to it.


    1. Thanks Charlott it sounds just right. If you never disagreed with me there would be no point in reading me at all. I appreciate the nice words. I’ve always had a gift for pissing people off.

  1. Your flower photos are just wonderful. The wrinkly looking yellow one is amazing. It looks almost like some kind of fiber sculpture.

    I attended Rosh Hashonah services for years and years with my family. I stopped going because I couldn’t bridge the gap between belief and non-belief in the Bible on which all the ritual and tradition is based. I respect those traditions, but it wasn’t in my heart, so I stopped going. I found the rituals very beautiful though. And the blowing of the Shofar always gave me chills – such an ancient sound. May your autumn season continue to be blessed, wherever and however you experience it. I am curious to find out what you decide to do.

    I am looking forward to your Zoom on Wednesday, hope to get in!

    1. Thanks, Lori; I’ll watch out for you…you sound like a wonderful addition to our group. We’re having a nice, sweet and respectful time…

  2. Have never seen that angle taken of a sunflower. Interesting. Beautiful. You do have the “eye” for photography.

  3. I said, “Whoa!” when I first downloaded that first picture–it was the perfect harbinger of more beauty! You have outdone yourself, Jon! Way to go!

  4. I am enjoying your beautiful flower pictures very much. As a long time gardener, I sometimes forget to take time to enjoy the individuality of flowers–I tend to look at them en masse, so these pictures make me slow down. Thank you.

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