28 April

Morning In Bedlam, The “Adelia Test.” Out At Last To Graze, Dog Treat Committee, Hens On The March,. Does Adealia Care?

by Jon Katz

Today was a big day on the Bedlam Farm Calendar. After months eating grass, we let the animals lose on the South Pasture, the first time in 2023 they got to ease fresh grass, their natural food. They are very happy. We’ll do careful rotational grazing. Two hours, in an out, every day, a different pasture.

The farm looks great, the blue sky is beautiful, the dogs are guilt-tripping me for treats. We thought the foot stuff would be all over, but we got our dates mixed up. Next Thursday the stitches come out, until them I am limited in my movements. But I can write and  raise money for good causes and take pictures.

About a decade ago, Adelia, a government office worker in Cleveland, wrote to tell me she did not love her life, she said, was drab and empty.

Her work was soul draining, she lived in a crowded, ugly apartment building, her desk has no window, there were few trees nearby,  and she lived alone, she was recently divorced.  Her children live far away and rarely visit.

“I love your pictures and your life,” she said, “you are your own soap opera, something is always going on! I can live vicariously thorugh your life.”

That was flatltering. What kept her going, she said, were photos of my animals, scenes from the country, and images of a beautiful sky. These are all things she did not have and coveted.

I hear from Adelia every month or so, she still begins every day with my blog (and now, Maria’s as well), her life has not changed, and she still is sustained and uplifted by the stories of our lives and the pictures we post.  Food for my soul. She loves the flower photos and pokes me when they don’t appear.

Adelia, you are an important presence in my life and creative work. When I post a picture or a story, I often ask: “is this sonething Adelia and the many other Adelia’s in America would like,” and then I put it up.

Most Americans now are  utterly detached from nature and the animal world, I know  often makes people feel disconnected in their loves and snared by the worship of money and security, neither of which are attainable for most of them. People year for animals and nature, it is natural. They move away for money and work.

For me, stories and pictures have to pass the “Adelia” test. Would Adelia care? Is she getting enough color and light, enough country scenes, enough oictaures and  stories about our animals, our farm, and our life together. I thought of her all morning, and every photo is one I believe she will love to see.

Hens on the march. Every day.


I am happy to see the new Pole Barn siding taking sheep. The barn has retained its dignity. We’re painting it on Sunday.

Treat Committee, Outside the bathroom door while I brush my teeth


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