Bedlam Farm Blog Journal by Jon Katz

24 July

Flower Art, Wednesday, July 24: Spending Time With My Raised Garden Bed, Bright Colors All Around Me

by Jon Katz

This afternoon, I spent some time diving into my raised garden bed, along with many mosquitoes and flies. I use After Bite, and it works. The bed was a great experience; I felt a cloud of bright colors around me.

I am happy to share; see you in the morning. Maria is in Belly Dancing Class; I will make some dinner—tomatoes and Mozzarella cheese—and read until she gets home.

Some blog reader caught a typo and happily exclaimed, “Gotcha.” I urged him to get a dog or cat. I make a lot of mistakes, as do most humans. Usually, when I do, someone corrects me, and I fix it. Am I missing something? My corrector was deleted.

Please don’t forget the Cambridge Food Pantry. Tonight, we are celebrating the Compassion Revolution. I hope you can help; it is very inexpensive. Tonight, the Pantry needs help getting Tide And Dish Soap.







24 July

One Man’s Truth: Pssst! A Free Tip For Mr. Trump And Followers. Don’t Insult Black Women! Here Is Why That Is Stupid, And Why They Are Not.

by Jon Katz

I am convinced that Vice  President Kamala Karris, with her strategic prowess, has already set the stage for defeating Donald Trump. She accomplished this in just two days, outmaneuvering her opponent, perhaps the most incompetent political strategist of the century for all his bluster.

As always, he set out to defeat himself long before  Vice President Harris had a chance. He waltzed right into her trap.

President Biden never figured out how to handle Trump and his cadre of losers, hypocrites, cowards, racists, and thugs, the ones he made the core of his already doomed movement.  The working masses who believed in him will be betrayed once again.

Harris figured it out in a day, even as Trump and his followers can’t stop calling her stupid and mediocre. The very sight of her seems to terrify him.  He’s over the top. Joe Biden certainly did not.

Black women all over the country, especially in the Swing States that will determine the November election, have been slipping away from Joe Biden for many months, according to every poll taken by every respected polling group.

This was why Nancy Pelosi was so determined to get Biden to quit; she remembered what he seemed to forget:  He could never win the election without them. Black women have been the driving force behind every national Democratic Victory for decades, even as so many young and older white men and women were drifting towards the Republican Party in half of the 50 states.

They had lost faith in President Biden.

Pelosi saw what the media, as usual, missed – Biden could never win the race against Trump that way, even as the party has been hemorrhaging moderate and independent (as well as African-American women) for a couple of years now.

Pelosi, one of the most challenging and brilliant political strategists on the planet, was not intimidated by Biden’s myopic insistence that nothing was wrong with him, a lie eroding his support worldwide. She grew up with seven brothers and is tough as nails, even at 84. Nothing is wrong with her cognition.  Trump refers to her as “Crazy Nancy Pelosi.” She loves it.

Since Sunday, a score of Republican politicians, from Trump himself to various senators and congressmen and Trump’s newest slobbering puppy, J. D. Vance (who referred to Vice President Harris recently as  “one of the “childless cat ladies” who is “miserable” with her life and too dumb and incompetent to be President,”) have been calling her ugly names, turning off women of all colors along the way.

Trump has always been an awful campaigner; His genius is degrading and humiliating opponents and ruining their confidence, smearing them with insults and many lies. His “rallies” draw the faithful but nobody else. They are endless, dull, and incoherent. Harris may have to take his keys away.

All over America, Republican politicians, led by Trump and Vance, were calling Harris dumb, incompetent, and mediocre.

Of course, disagreeing with her or pointing out some of her mistakes (and she has made some, as I have) was not enough; they felt obliged to insult and trivialize her, call her a college graduate, trial lawyer, City Attorney, and Attorney General of California dumb, among other things, and show her no kind of respect or basic courtesy. They refuse even to call her Vice President Harris.

Every target of Trump becomes an evil spirit and enemy, and every politically enslaved person who signs up with him must go along and do. The vicious assault on one of America’s most admired black women was another awful Trump mistake.

For all the people he has trashed and beaten down, this is the very thing that will almost ensure his failure this year. It is a nearly sacred truth of modern politics: Don’t insult black women and call them incompetent and stupid. It’s an old, deep trigger that angers and drives them to the polls.

Politics aims to attract voters, not turn them into opposition warriors.

Yesterday,  in one day, 40,000 African American women and thousands of African American men called into the Harris campaign to sign up as volunteers for her campaign.

Tens of thousands of white women signed up as well.

As one black commentator said on CNN today, “Every one of those women, many of whom were not eager about voting at all, will walk across broken glass to get to the polls this year. It’s not about winning. It’s about Kamala….”

One local black official in North Carolina told a reporter there: “We have been called inferior, incompetent, stupid, and lazy for four hundred years. It stops now. We are all on fire with what they are saying about Kamala. It’s okay to disagree with her, but why disrespect her? Why call her names; she is a role model and shining star for us, the woman our daughters and granddaughters want to be. How stupid can a politician be to call us stupid?

Well,  pretty stupid, it seems.

This is why Trump lost four years ago and will lose again. He is the master of insults, a disaster as a campaigner.  He feeds his followers hate and resentment but is just beginning to draw new followers.   Kamala Harris might be right or wrong about some things, I’m not the one to say, but one thing is already quite evident about her: she is anything but stupid or incompetent, and the best thing that has happened to her so far is that her opponent is calling her names while she smiles and bows to roars of approval. She makes some of those Trump rallies look like funeral memorials.

I covered many campaigns as a political writer, watched the news, and shook my head this week: Don’t Insult Black Women if they want to win a national election. They neither forgive nor forget, and they love to vote. Trump almost gave a powerful speech at the Republican Convention. He had to go off prompter and blow the other half. That’s Trump.

I am not one of those pseudo-progressives who trembles and is terrified to say there is so much more than politics happening here or that the good guys will win this time.

I don’t qualify my ideas or warn that they might be wrong. Until otherwise informed,  I speak my heart and am quite willing to be incorrect. That’s the price for being able to think. But I haven’t been wrong about Trump yet, and I don’t believe this is the year I will be.

The other nation, the quiet one and invisible one, the one the media does not seem to know exists away from Washington and New York, is on fire.

And on the march.

If even half of those insulted black women walk on that broken glass to get to those polls in the five states that will decide any American election this year. If I am right, Donald Trump just shot himself in the foot 48 hours after this campaign began.

He did it in 2020; he will do it again.

24 July

The Compassion Revolution Today: The Cambridge Pantry’s Sarah Needs Dish Soap, $2.99, and Tide Detergent, $6.99

by Jon Katz

I’m calling this the Compassion Revolution; good-hearted Americans nationwide are helping the Cambridge Food Pantry serve hundreds of adults and children using their facility in need of food.

The Army of Good has truly outdone itself this past weekend. Women’s Day, Children’s Day, and Dental Paste Day were all monumental successes, thanks to the collective efforts of our community. I’m hoping Compassion Revolution Day does as well.

Can you feel it? There’s a shift in the country, a growing wave of compassion and action. Let’s ride this wave together; Sarah has once again kept the cost down.

People are sick of hatred and anger and want a gentler and kinder country. Just look at the Army of Good: people from all over the country waiting to do good and then doing it.

Bless them all and the dedicated and hardworking volunteers at the food pantry here and other pantries all over the country.

Here’s our chance to celebrate compassion and community at the same time. For $10, you can make a real difference in the lives of children and their families. Hunger is very real in America right now.

Today, we’re reminded that our mission is not glamorous but vital.

We’re deeply grateful for every contribution, no matter how small. Thank you, Sarah, for your support with Dish Soap and Tide Liquid Detergent. Your generosity is a testament to the power of community and compassion.

Gain Ultra Bleach Alternative Dishwashing Liquid Dish Soap, Honey Berry Hula, 21.6 Fl Oz., $2.99

Tide Liquid Laundry Detergent, 21 Loads, 34 Fl. Oz, $6.99.



The first time hunger in the U.S. gained significant attention from policymakers was during the 1930s, when the Great Depression left a quarter of the American workforce unemployed.

It came back when much of the money in the country began flowing upward in the 90s to a small percentage of the country at the expense of salaried working people who could no longer make ends meet.

24 July

Healing Fanny, Three Weeks Of Bandages And Epsom Salts. Maria Knows What She Is Doing

by Jon Katz

Fanny’s deep abscess is healing slowly; she needs bandages and Epsom Salts for the next three weeks.

Maria’s dedication to Fanny’s care is touching, as is Fanny’s sweet nature.  Fanny’s trust in us is crucial in situations like this; they are notorious for not doing things people want them to do.

Fanny’s care requires patience and love. This was a wicked wound.

Replacing her bandages and soaking her leg in Epsom Salts is not easy, especially when the wound hurts.

I hold her head and feed her some treats while Maria gets down, replaces the bandages, and soaks her food in Epsom salts. I admit that we love these crises.

They connect us to the animals and remind us where we are and how we have chosen to live.

We tie Fanny up to the fence, but it’s painful and unnatural; she sometimes tries to bolt. Matt Ross, our farrier, has a wonderful way with the donkeys, and he walked us through what needed to be done. He cleaned out much of her hoof to fend off any infection.

Somehow, she knows we are trying to help and not harm her. Lulu stands close by, as does Zinnia. The zip takes off right away. He wants no part of this. Zinnia just lay down and went to sleep. She does not rattle easily or ever.

Scraping and cleaning out the wound.

Holding the leg up is not a comfortable position for a donkey.

Fanny did agree to keep her food in a bowl of Epsom Salts for 3 minutes.

Zip looked at Fanny and the taping and decided this was no place for him to be. He sat on an overturned feed wagon – one of his thrones –  and kept his distance. No fool, that cat.

23 July

Flower Art: New Horizons. The Rise Of The Tough Wild Thistles. They Bite. Tuesday, July 23, 2024

by Jon Katz

Maria ran out of the batting for her quilts, so we are heading to Glens Falls, N.Y., to get more. We might stop to eat along the way; we’re both pretty wiped out. I had fun figuring out how to capture the fascinating and grumpy Thistles sprouting everywhere. We watched Kamal Harris’s first campaign speech tonight; it will be a wild Summer and Fall.

I’m signing out. See you in the morning. I’m impressed with Thistles, touching flowers that fight back. Despite the thorns, which have stuck with me many times today, the donkeys have no trouble eating them and chewing them slowly and happily. I wouldn’t dare.





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