17 July

Good Morning From Bedlam Farm. Yes, I Do Love My Flowers. But Why?

by Jon Katz

Good morning. This afternoon we are going to Williamstown, Mass., to see a play at the Williamstown Theater Festival. This will be the second play of the season, three counting the Old Castle Theater in Bennington, Vt.

We have tickets to two more plays in August around the time of my birthday; we’ll make a weekend out of it.

Hopefully, we’ll bring home some Asian takeout after the play.

I spent a good chunk of time taking more photos of my flowers this morning; the sun and the bugs roasted and feasted on me.

I think I got some nice Georgia Okeeffe stuff. I’ll come up before the play, some up after. Yes, I do love this; I’m going to think about why and hopefully, come up with some answers..


  1. Maybe I can help. My friends and my self struggled for a long time to come up for a word to describe the kind of art you are capturing with your camera. Thanks to Freud, we are not slow to jump to the word phallic for anything that…you know reminds us of that. We have chosen the word yonic. I’m suggesting you love these flowers because they are yonic. Notice we had to jump to another culture! You can’t really say it in English. But we have cheerfully agreed it is a good choice! In any case the photos are astoundingly beautiful. I recommend the dinner party by Judy Chicago in the Brooklyn museum of art! Cheers Jon. And while I’m here thanks for everything. You bring me hope!

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