4 November

Dog Support Is Up And Running Today On The Blog. A Big Step For Me. Wish Me Luck.

by Jon Katz

Good news. Dog Support, my new program to offer aid, counseling, and support for your dog or dogs for pay, is now up and officially running and built into the blog.

I’ve been doing Dog Support as a trial for the past month and have worked with 15- to 20 people. I enjoyed it very much, and the responses have been generous and good.

It is meaningful to share what I’ve learned, and good to be paid for it.

I was slow to do it, but it feels right to me.

I’m helping and learning a lot simultaneously, which is always good.

I’m charging my clients $50 per half hour and some free e-mail and phone counseling after our paid session. I like to see things through.

The button beneath the blog includes details on the program and my dog bio, and a very brief application form.

People who want help need to put in their name, e-mail, and the issue they need help with.

So far, we’ve run the gamut: how to get a dog, rescue a dog, get a dog used to a crate, walk a dog calmly, eat in a healthy way, use treats or not, and calm a frightened dog.

I’ve had sessions on how to acclimate a new dog into a new home and how to prepare and train a dog for therapy work.

And most poignantly, how to know when a dog needs to leave the world without suffering and without much guilt.

I won’t disclose the name of the dog, the person needing help, or their location. In some cases, I will write about our solutions anecdotally and without identifying details as a way of helping other people if the problem is new or unusual.

I’m happy making money but happier helping people.

Dog and people’s identities are always protected.

I charge $50  per half hour. I expect to raise that fee to $65 by the end of the year. I host sessions on Zoom, the phone, or facetime every Monday, Wednesday, or  Friday at 5 p.m. EDT.

I am flexible if there is an emergency of some kind.

I accept payments via Paypal, Venmo, or by check, as long as that holds up. Lots of people have warned me about checks, but I like to try to trust first.

So let me know if you need help, and I’ll try to help. I look forward to hearing from you: [email protected]. Or go to the link right here.

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