12 February

Morning Morning. Setting Off To Find A New Knitting Mill For Our Yarn

by Jon Katz

Monday morning, a new week. We’re setting off this morning to drive to Hillsdale, New York to check out a new knitting mill to process our wool for yarn. The new mill is about 90 minutes away, we should be back soon after lunch. I hope this works out, Maria loves working with our wool and turning it into yarn and roving. This new mill sounds perfect for us, fingers crossed. Busy weekend,  I’m getting a new tooth implant on Thursday, and I’ll have all of my teeth back and chewing.


It’s cold again, and cloudy. No sun today. A winter storm is possible for tomorrow. We’ll be ready for it. More later.


    1. You’ll want to check with Maria about the mill, I just took some photos but she’ll be writing what she thought fullmoonfiberart.com thanks. I’m not an expert..

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